Sunday 20 September 2009


SO. . .As usual i'm trawling the internet, on a boring afternoon and I stumble across a set of photo's featuring Kim Kardashian & Ciara, and in every single photograph, regardless of the angle Kim Kardashian was the main focus. . .I decided to do some research into this and found that in mainstream america it is a commonly known fact among paparazzi that photographs of Black Female celebrity (exception: Beyonce & Rihanna) sell for far less than a photograph of a White/Latina celebrity. . .

Its sad that regardless of how many awards Ciara wins, or however many millions of records she sells. . .

She will never be as much of a 'Cash Cow' as the caucasian reality star who made her name off a leaked sex tape (circa. Paris Hilton) due to her "Hyperpigmentation."

It also appears that this feeling is not only within the media, as internally within the black community there is a stigma attached with dark skin and a colour divide within the black community. . .

Check the video below about a mother who bleaches her own children's skin to 'help them become accepted.'

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